photographic tours and workshops across the former ussr 

Most photo tours you find on the market emphasise image aesthetics and technical skills, thereby neglecting substance and message. The outcome of these journeys is always and invariably the same: a huge and monotone quantity of formally gorgeous images completely lacking content and context. In our humble opinion, to produce a set of aesthetically beautiful photographs without any story to tell is a complete waste of time and data. Photography should never end unto itself. We don’t believe that the French mantra “art for art's sake” shall be applied to the photographic practice.

Along these lines, we decided to gather a vast network of documentary photographers and photojournalists with the aim of creating unique itineraries centred around people, culture, and stories.

Tell us which area of the former USSR interests you the most and whether you are more keen to document a contemporary social issue or explore rituals and traditions: we'll come up with a couple of compelling itineraries that will surely satisfy your storytelling ambitions.

Our tailored documentary photography tours and photojournalism workshops for professionals and amateurs are, indeed, a once-in-a-lifetime chance to explore and document the world from a truly unique perspective, thereby rediscovering the narrative strength of the photographic medium.

No previous photographic skills needed. Remember: a camera is to a photojournalist what a pen is to a novelist, namely just an instrument to tell a story.